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Our Mission

The Bantam Lake Protective Association, Inc. is a private nonprofit (501(3)(C)organization devoted to the preservation of Bantam Lake and its surroundings.  Working with the Town of Morris, The White Memorial Foundation, DEEP, and the Torrington Area Health Dept., we strive to maintain the highest practical water quality for swimming, fishing, boating, and water and ice sports.

We invite everyone who enjoys Bantam Lake and recognizes the significance of our purpose to become a member of The BLPA.  Help us help you enjoy Bantam Lake.


The BLPA is a registered 501(3)(c) non-profit corporation and donations are tax deductible.  For more information on tax deductible donations please click here

Bantam Lake Board Members



Constance Trolle,


Anne Murdica 

Vice President


Devon O'Neill,



Peter Longo,





Kathy Hill

Emily Lupinacci

Caitlin Pattison

Sara Santora

Mark Sniffen

Kris Truta
Thomas Weik

Board Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month
Bantam Lake By Laws

Please read through our by laws to understand our organization better. If you have any questions or want to get involved please contact us!

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